Samman, Padak and Chhatrabriti Program, 2073 On Saturday, 5 December 2015, Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust organised its annual Award Programme at Nepal Academy, Kamaladi Kathmandu. Respectable Swami Ananda Arun provided his gracious presence as a chief guest in the occasion.
Dr. Chintamani Yogi received "Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust Award" with an amount of Nepalese Rupees one hundred thousand. Dr. Yogi was awarded for his dedicated social service by establishing Santi Sewa Ashram, providing scholarship to the students from poor family, contributing in maternal education and promoting spiritual awareness within and outside the country. On the occasion, Dr. Dristi Poudel was awarded with gold medal "Samjhana Smriti Swarna Padak" for securing highest score in 2015/16 MBBS exam conducted by the Tribhuwan University Institute of Medicine. Similarly, Dr. Laxman Prasad Tiwadewala and nurse Amrita Aryal of National Academy of Medical Science, Bir Hospital were awarded with gold medal "Samjhana Sewa Puraskar" for their dedicated and continuous professional service. The Trust provided scholarship to the deserving students from poor family from Sundarijal, Dakchinkali area and from Jumla district. Furthermore, Ms. Rajani Magar of Guheswori Bal Sikchya Secondary School was awarded with Late Bel Bahadur Adhikari Scholarship.
As per the objective of the Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust, it collaborated and provided financial support to Nepal Diabetic Society; Ex Civil Servant Service Council; Gaun Sewa Kosh, Tanahu; Primary Health Service Centre, Tudaldevi and various committees within the Trust.
On the occasion respectable Chief Guest Swami Anand Arun conducted prayer, meditation and delivered his speech. Similarly, honoured personalities Dr. Chintaman Yogi and Director of the Bir Hospital Dr. Swoyam Prakash Pandit, representing the award receiving personalities Dr. Laxman Prasad Tiwadewala, founder of the Trust Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey and Chairperson of the ceremony Mr. Bhim Bahadur Adhikari delivered their speech. On the event, Member-secretary of the Trust Mr. Kalyan Raj Pandey welcomed the guests and presented progress report of the Trust.
Samman, Padak and Chhatrabriti Program, 2072 Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust celebrated its annual function on 31st August 2014 with various programs. On the occassion of the Trust, Prof. Dr. Mahesh Khakurel was honored by "Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust" Samman with cash prizes of Rs 1 Lakh. Similarly, Samjhana Mermorial Gold Medal was awarded to Dr. Sneha Wagle for obtaining highest marks in the final MBBS examination of Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu in the year 2070. The Trust provided scholarships to the poor and talented students from the remote and far flung places like Jumla and the most deprived and difficult places like Sundarijal, Chhaimale, Talku Dundechaur. Likewise, The Trust awarded Late Bel Bahadur annual scholarship to a promising student Ms.Ritu Chaudhari from Shree Guhyeshwori Bal Shiksha Secondary School.
On this occasion, a sum of Rs. 25,000/- (Rs.15,000/ from the Trust and Rs.10,000/- from Dr. M. R. Pandey) was donated for the purpose of temple renovation and beautification of Sundarijal Swastha Sewa Shanti Mandir which was built by the Trust on B.S. 2037.
Samjhana Service Award which was established by the Trust at Bir Hospital to grant Gold Medal and Appreciation Letter to one doctor and one technician of Bir Hospital for their excellent service during the year was provided to three doctors and three technicians in the function. The award recipients were Dr. Devi Prasad Bhusal, Cardiology Unit; Dr. Nirmala Shrestha, Gastrointrology Unit; Dr. Dilip Sharma, Liver Unit; Ms. Durgamaya Kunwar, ICU; Ms. Meena Sherpa, ICU, Mr. Uttam Poudel, ECH Technician.
In the function, Ex-Secretary and Ex-Attorney General Mr. Madhu Soodan Dhakal presented the Greetings received from the President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav.
During an hour long programme, Prof. Dr. Mahesh Khakurel, Dr. Devi Prasad Bhusal, Chairman Shree Gautam Khanal from Swasthya Sewa Shanti Mandir Sundarijal, Founder of the Trust, Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, Chairman Shree Bhim Bahadhur Adhikari and Kalyan Pandey have expressed their opinions and wished the Trust for continuation of its noble works in the future. Shree Chintamani Yogi jyu delivered Prawachan on moral and spiritual value. The hall was fully packed with distinguished doctors, eminent scholars, MSMT members, media persons and the invited guests and the function was well covered on TV, Radio and some press.
37th Annual Function of MSMT
Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust celebrated its 37th annual programme on Saturday, June 22, 2013. The programme was inaugurated by Rt. Hob’le Chairman of the Council of Ministers Mr. Khil Raj Regmi.
The Trust felicitated Dhulikhel Hopsital by giving away cash prizes of Rs 1 Lakh along with Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust Honour. Similarly, Samjhana Mermorial Gold Medal has been awarded to Dr. Nayana Pant for obtaining highest marks in the final MBBS examination of Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu which was held in the year 2069. The Trust has provided scholarships to the poor and talented students from the remote and far flung places like Jumla and the most deprived and difficult places like Sundarijal, Chhaimale, Talku Dundechaur. Likewise, The Trust has awarded Late Bel Bahadur annual scholarship to a promising student Ms.Arpana Karki from Shree Guhyeshwori Bal Shiksha Secondary School.
The book entitled "Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in Nepal: Scientific, Social and Spiritual Perspectives" which was written by Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, has been launched by Rt’ Hob’le Chairman during the function.
During an hour long programme , the chief guest Rt’ Hob’le Chairman Shree Kheel Raj Regmi, Head of Dhulikhel Hospital Dr. Ramkantha Makaju Shrestha, Founder of the Trust, Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, Chairman Shree Bhim Bahadhur Adhikari, General Secretary Shree Kalyan Raj Pandey have expressed their opinions and wished the Trust for continuation of its noble works in the future.
The hall was fully packed with distinguished doctors, eminent scholars, MSMT members, media persons and the invited guests and the function was well covered on TV, Radio and some press.
APHA Award
Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey was awarded (Eminent Cardiologist
Award ) at the opening ceremony of the Annual Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Heart Association (APHA ) held in Singapore on April 19th, 2013. This is the highest award of APHA and recognizes the receipient as a top cardiologist and a pioneer in his field of interest of cardiology in the Asia Pacific Region.
Eight cardiologists have been awarded with this highest honour by APHA.
36th Annual Function of MSMT
Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust, (MSMT) an inspiring saga founded by Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey have been celebrating its annul function every year. And this year was not an exception. The Trust, a charitable organizations marked its 36th annual programme on Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at the auditorium of Nepal Academy Hall amidst distinguished doctors, eminent scholars, MSMT members, media persons and the invited guests. The hall was fully packed and it was thoroughly enjoyed by the attended guests and the glimpse of the function was even featured on TV.
The programme was inaugurated by Rt. Hob’le Chief Justice, Shree Kheel Raj Regmi at 11:30am by lighting the ‘diyo’ in the ‘paanas’. This year the Trust honoured Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Senior Heart Surgeon for his outstanding contributions in the field of cardiac surgery and his notable contribution to the development of Sahid Gangalal National Heart Centre and his dedicatation to serve the underprivileged and marginalized sick people. The Trust felicitated Dr. Koirala by giving away cash prizes of Rs 1 Lakh along with Mrigendra Samjhana Medical Trust Honour. Similarly, Samjhana Mermorial Gold Medal has been awarded to Dr. Sadikshya Lohani for obtaining highest marks in the final MBBS examination of Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu which was held in the year 2067. The Trust has provided scholarships to the poor and talented students from the remote and far flung places like Jumla and the most deprived and difficult places like Sundarijal, Chhaimale, Talku Dundechaur. Likewise, The Trust has awarded Late Bel Bahadur annual scholarship to a promising student Ms.Gyanu Chowdhary from Shree Guhyeshwori Bal Shiksha Secondary School. From this year, the Trust has launched ‘Pilot Program' to provide education scholarships to the bright, talented and economically deprived students from grade 6 till the end of school year. On top of that it has selected three most talented students from three different schools in Sundarijal area. In the function the Council of Former Public Servants received a Nepal Rs fifty thousand to run different kinds of social service activities like free medical examinations for senior citizens, for spiritual upliftment such as ‘bhajans’ or devotional songs. During the course of the social service, bell weighing 25 kiloes has been offered to Chandan Nath Temple in Jumla.
During an hour long programme , the chief guest Rt’ Hob’le Chief Justice Shree Kheel Raj Regmi, Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Chairman Shree Gautam Khanal from Swasthya Sewa Shanti Mandir Sundarijal, Chairman and Founder of the Trust, Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey and Vice Chairman Shree Bhim Bahadhur Adhikari have expressed their opinions and wished the Trust for continuation of its noble works in the future.
A Recap of Past 35 Years
The Trust organized its 35th annual program preceded by general assembly meeting on 26th March 2011. It was gratifying to note that in spite of the present difficult situation in the country, it was well attended and the hall was fully packed. Various scholarships and honors awarded by the Trust were also presented to their recipients on the occasion.
We also used that occasion to take stock of its past activities and reflect upon its current situation. When we look back on the activities and programs of the Trust, we see that it did a number of activities at local, village, district, national and international levels. To recapitulate, some of the important activities are listed below
Health Service Programs
The Trust was founded mainly to serve the poor and the destitute with health services. It started its services first at Sundarijal and then it moved on to Chhaimale and Talku Dundechour. Later, we went to Jumla to run health services and research programs on a district-wide scale and tried to help the most disadvantaged local communities in that remote region of the country. Under its Health Service Program, the Trust established the diabetes clinic and Free Samjhana Clinic. The Trust also ran a clinic at Osho Tapoban and Shivanande, distributed First Aid Kits in the villages, and trained the people for their use. We also distributed free medicines to those unable to pay for them. We provided equipments to some clinics, and also cash to some. We ran free health camps for the people in poor and remote areas.
Health Promotion and Prevention of Diseases
The Trust distributed soybean powder, butter oil and sugar free of cost in order to combat the problem of malnutrition among children in villages of the poor communities. It helped the communities build inexpensive toilets, and raise health awareness. The Trust ran programs to deal with t domestic smoke, tobacco smoking in rural areas, particularly in Jumla. We distributed smokeless stoves and demonstrated their benefits for the health of the people in Sundarijal as early as in the year 1976. We built several safe and clean water tanks and taps in remote areas of Chhaimale and Talku Dundechour. The Trust introduced health awareness programs among students and adults, especially for the prevention of heart diseases through changes in life-style, food habits, restriction on salt intake, meditation and other measures such as regular physical exercise.
Research Programs
The Trust began its research programs in January 1978. The Sundarijal area, Dakshinkali and Talku Dundechour in the mid-mountain region, Parsauni of the Tarai region and Jumla of remote and high altitude region were our research sites. In terms of health areas, our focus of research was on domestic smoke pollution, ARI among children under 5 years of age, tobacco smoking, COPD, cardiovascular diseases and its impact on people’s health. The research programs of the Trust resulted in findings that were acknowledged both by national and international communities.
We did not keep the research findings in our shelves. They served as a basis for policy and program formulation and implementation. They were published in internationally reputed and widely disseminated journals.
'No’ to Extravagance and ‘Yes’ to Poverty Alleviation
A sound economic condition is a prerequisite for good health. Economic condition requires proper employment and people should avoid extravagance. With a view to demonstrating how rituals can be simplified and excessive expenses avoided, the Trust has been organizing yearly group initiation or Vratabandha of boys in the Sundarijal area since 1989 and also in Chhaimale on a smaller scale for the last 3 years. It has also distributed spinning wheels there to help people earn some extra income independently and improve their living condition. Programs to combat social evils like gambling and drinking, a major contributing factor in poverty and disturbed social environment, were also launched.
Spiritual Culture, Social Development and Health
Loss of spiritual culture is one of the reasons not only for increased antisocial activities but also many physical and mental diseases. So the Trust attempted to introduce various programs to revive spiritual culture among the people of the Sundarijal area. This was done in accordance with the spiritual philosophy of the Trust. We tried to propagate the importance of the tradition of Trust in Nepal, build temples and organized spiritual lectures in collaboration with the communities.
Honors, Prizes and Scholarships
Under this program, the Trust has honoured, given prizes and scholarships on a regular basis. Those who have rendered commendable social service have been honoured with citations, certificates and cash awards. Besides this, since 1996, the Trust has been regularly giving a gold medal and a letter of commendation to the student securing first position in the final MBBS examination of Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine at Maharajgunj in Kathmandu. The Trust has also been giving a medal, commendation and cash prize to a doctor and a nurse/technician at Bir Hospital since 1992. Likewise, since 1987 a gold medal has been given to the staff nurse standing first in the final examination of the Nursing Campus at Maharajgunj. The Trust has been awarding an oration medal to the presenter of an inspiring paper on health related and ethical issues under the MSMT oration program at the biennial national convention of Nepal Medical Association. This has been going on since 1976 and is the first oration in the health field in Nepal.
The Trust has given 170 scholarships to students in Sundarijal, Chhaimale,Talku Dundechaur and Jumla at primary, lower secondary and secondary school levels. Likewise, it has been awarding the Bel Bahadur Annual scholarship to a promising student of Guhyeshwari School at Thapathali in Kathmandu. The Trust also gives a 3-year scholarship to girl students securing first, second, third and fourth positions at a quiz contest held among the government high schools and lower secondary schools. The contest is conducted by Bal Manch Nepal.
Miscellaneous Grants and Assistance
The Trust has provided various types of grants occasionally to the needy individuals and institutions within its limited resources. For instance, some grants were provided for the establishment of diabetes clinic, heart clinic, and for the distribution of nutritional food through Children's Organization. The Trust has also given assistance to Maheshsanyash Ashram and Paramhansh Yogananda Ashram. The Trust assisted in the installation of a Shivalinga at a temple in the USA. We provided relief to the earthquake and other natural disaster victims and also the victims of violence during the Jana Andolan II (People's Movement of 2005-6). Recently, the Trust granted some financial assistance to Guheswori Child Education Higher Secondary School for the construction of a building. The Trust has also been providing grants for publishing spiritual and social books. Samjhana Smriti Birami Kuruwa Ghar was constructed and inaugurated at Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center with a grant of Rs. 30 lakhs. Steel beds and mattresses worth about Rs. 4 lakhs was also granted. A grant of Rs. 12 lakhs was given to Patan Hospital for the establishment of I.C.U. Both the Birami Kuruwa Ghar and I.C.U. are now fully functional. The Radhakrishna temple in Sundarijal was very well renovated with a grant of Rs. 3 lakhs from the Trust and local contributions.
Collaboration with and help to other social organizations
Substantial financial, logistic and international collaboration helps were given to Nepal Heart Foundation specially in the initial years. The Trust has also helped and made contributions to Nepal Diabetic Society, Cardiac Society of Nepal, Nepal Hypertension Society, Forum for Indoor Air Pollution & Health, Nepal. We have collaborated with Bramhakumaris, Shivananda Sadhana Kendra, Osho Tapoban, Anubrat Samaj, Natural Lover’s Group, Purva Karmachari Sewa Parishad, Rastriya Yuwa Sewa Kosh, Bishal Milan Kendra in running clinics and other social activities. We are also active members of Heart Net Nepal and Forum for Indoor Air Pollution
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